Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Monday, February 14, 2011
Suzuki Motorsports
It ain't bragging when it’s true...Suzuki can legitimately claim some of the baddest bikes on the planet, on both the street and the track. Especially the many winning flavors of the hardcore GSX-R sportbike, as well as the mighty Hayabusa—the world’s fastest production motorcycle.
OwnTheRacetrack.com is a site dedicated to the all-new GSX-R1000 as it debuted in its 25th anniversary year. To commemorate, we built a countdown site packed with with live race updates and behind-the-scenes video with Team Suzuki racers like Mat Mladin, as well as a full interactive history of the bike that made history.

While it's more than fast, the Hayabusa is popular with an urban crowd of riders for whom image and lifestyle are just as important as performance. To reach them, we shunned the typical "our bike is so cool" messaging favored by the other Japanese manufacturers and let the audience say it themselves. BusaBeats is a community-based hybrid music contest: an MC battle for lyrical dominance, with the winner riding home on a one-of-a kind customized Hayabusa. BusaBeats is now going into its third year more popular than ever, with some celebrities we can't yet name showing interest. Represent!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Brotherhood was an extremely complex, multidimensional adidas project involving four different ad agencies. I was the writer from EVB, the interactive team. To tell the truth there wasn’t much copywriting; we threw our scripted content away when it turned out the NBA players were more comfortable in one-on-one interviews. So what's a writer to do on set for 10 long days?
Well I am a creative problem solver first, and a scribbler second. So I grabbed a handheld camera and became a one-man second unit, capturing content for outtakes, YouTube clips and viral videos that basketball-crazed kids around the world would go stupid over.
Caught lots of great off-the-set moments: Dwight freestyle rapping (and impersonating Michael Jackson.) Gil Arenas annihilating all challengers at Halo 2. Macho ballers submitting to the makeup lady. Just a bunch of NBA greats getting paid and having a ball. Kevin Garnett began calling me American Beauty--the freaky kid with the movie camera.
I found a way to add value. The agency got tons of extra content. It was cool.